
'How to find your Truth, for personal transformation, strength and happiness - in relationships and families.'

REVIEWS: (from Amazon.com)

Highly Recommended: Opening Secret Boxes. As a Life Transformation Coach, writer and blogger in the field of self development and spirituality, I was pleasantly surprised by this book, the way it was delivered, and the genuine connection between the writer and her material. Roxanne Bannatyne clearly lives and breathes her work as evidenced in this insightful and powerful book that truly offers the reader a pathway to personal and relationship transformation. The author engages the reader with her honesty and her own real life examples. This powerful approach is authentic. What was clear for me was her genuine intention to become a better and more loving and aware person, partner, and mother in relationship to those around her. The heart gauge framework spoken of in the book is an excellent feedback and development tool along this journey of awareness to use as well.

The best brit book on self growth: Opening Secret Boxes (Paperback)

Some people are put off by 'self help' books, especially men as men don't like to be seen to need any help. They see it as a weakness to buy a self help book. But publishers like their pigeon holes and yet are missing out on millions of sales in the process.
For me a better, and in fact more honest, description of all self help books (unless its how to construct an Ikea flatpack book) is 'self growth' or 'inner growth' - the word being growth - and this brand new book by Roxanne is undoubtedly one of the best ever written on inner growth but without all the ritualistic shenanigans and pretensions that so often accompany this genre. It is a totally unique and fresh perspective on ancient themes. It has echoes of the Gita in its blatant calling for truths to fill ones life with and you will indeed 'grow' as you dive into its chapters.

Sanity and help for relationships:

Opening Secret Boxes (Kindle Edition) Roxanne Bannatyne has given us a down-to-earth guide and reference for creating and maintaining healthy and loving relationships. Opening Secret Boxes is written with humour and great common sense all the more compelling because she has obviously been there herself and learned the hard way. The book deals with difficult areas openly and I read it with a thrill that comes when new ideas really clarify old difficulties. The book should be read by all couples starting out on a relationship, it will give them a so much better chance of success and enduring happiness. And it is easy to read.